Tran Khoa Dang Degree Programs at Harvard University ( Part 1 ) ~ college teaching degree

Monday, July 22, 2013

Degree Programs at Harvard University ( Part 1 )

Students will be comfortable choosing the appropriate program for myself to study. These programs are designed to allow students to learn and be able to practice and policy practice research. The student may become educators, researchers, and leaders will be required to obtained knowledge

Master of Education

If you want to get a master of education, the Ed.M. is designed to be a yearlong intensive program for students who wish to study a particular field in education, you will have 1 theoretical foundation in fact for the present and future, or develop skills in professional work in education.
The service program is included in College For Teaching Degree 

Arts in Education: Students have the flexibility to design their courses to study and explore the roles of education, self-nurturing creativity of individuals to create a healthy environment for the community and society. From theory, research, policy will be the best support for students. AIE students gain a sophisticated understanding of how to use the art form cu3a stimulate personal development thinking

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